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Winterizing Your Pet

Last winter North Carolina experienced brutally low temperatures for days on end. We experienced record cold, even colder than the state of Alaska. The Chatham Animal Services Director told me there were several weeks last winter when they were overwhelmed with reports of pets with no shelter. So many, Animal Services Officers were only responding to those calls. I have no idea what this coming winter has in store, but I’d like to take this opportunity to provide information that may help prevent unnecessary discomfort and potential death for our four-legged companions.

Some people have the misconception that dogs and cats have some kind of mystical ability to keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter. There are some physiological things their bodies are able to do to keep comfortable to a degree, but in extreme conditions they are vulnerable to the elements, like humans. Just because pets survive the winter, doesn’t mean they weren’t cold and miserable. Since dogs and cats are domesticated animals, many have been genetically modified in ways that prevent them from tolerating cold temperatures very well.

What temperature is too cold for a dog? That will depend on the breed and age. Double-coated arctic breeds may love the cold and are thrilled to see snow. Shorthaired and warm climate breeds don’t handle cold as well. There are a lot of Hounds and Pit Bull dogs living outdoors in Chatham County. They get cold easy because they typically have very little insulating body fat and fur. Small dogs get cold quicker than larger ones. Very young and very old animals have a harder time regulating their body temperature and are at greater risk in cold weather, even if they are northern breeds.

When dogs are hot, they pant and lay stretched out in an effort to release body heat. When they are cold, they lay in a curled up position with their noses tucked in between their legs and stomach, trying to be compact and conserve body heat. If your dog, or any animal, is shivering you need to intervene and provide them with warmth. Shivering is an indication they are cold beyond what their body can do to keep warm. If they don’t find a heat source they are at risk of hypothermia. Everyone who has outdoor only animals should have a plan for extreme weather conditions. If there is never a temperature low enough to justify bringing a pet in from the elements, then for their own health and safety perhaps they would be better off with someone else.

Due to the dry air in the winter months, animals are at high risk of dehydration. Water can begin to freeze in minutes when the mercury falls below 32 degrees farentheit. Therefore, water bowls for outdoor pets should be checked and replenished several times a day. Animals also burn more calories trying to keep warm, so on colder days their meals need to be larger.

Doghouses should be big enough to lie in comfortably, but not so large they can’t hold the dog’s body heat. Doors should face east or south, since the coldest winds blow from the north and west. Inside the doghouse, straw, hay, or wood shavings are the best options for comfort and warmth. Blankets are not a good choice since they get wet and freeze. Chatham County’s Animal Ordinance requires doghouses have a roof, floor, and at least three solid sides. Don’t forget to provide shelter for outdoor cats, too. Many cats are injured or killed after climbing into warm car engines trying to escape the cold.

The Dogs Off Chains coalition is a wonderful group of volunteers who build pens for dogs in Chatham County who have only known life on the end of a chain. This time of year they also provide doghouses and straw for many outdoor dogs in need. Donations can be made through their website at, or mailed to:

Dogs Off Chains

PO Box 157

Pittsboro, NC 27312

Let’s all have a warm, safe, and happy winter this year!

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